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February 23, 2021Solomon Islands Eclectus Parrot Diet, Care, And Personality. Hey friends, how are you all? Today I will share with you all the details about Solomon Eclectus Parrot personality, Diet, Care, habitat, behavior. This is a beautiful parrot and also a great companion. Eclectus has many subspecies, like the Grand Eclectus, Vosmaeri, and the Solomon Island Eclectus. So friends, without wasting time, let’s get started with today’s topic.
Solomon Islands Eclectus Parrot Diet, Care, And Personality.
Eclectus Parrot Information.
Before going any further, I want to share with you some general information about this beautiful bird.
Scientific Name: Eclectus roratus
Size: Around 35 cm
Weight: 440 grams (adult)
Lifespan: up to 30 years
Wingspan: 8 To 10 in
Eclectus are gentle and brilliant birds. This beautiful bird becomes your and your family friend in a short amount of time. They are also good with children. But you have to be careful because they do not like frantic activity or constant disturbing. It would be best if you taught your children how to deal with this bird. Eclectus female parrot is quite territorial, especially during the breeding season.
Eclectus Parrot habitat in canopy rainforests and eucalypt woodlands. Like the Rainbow Lorikeet, they are Australian parrots. They are native to the Solomon Islands, Indonesia, New Guinea, northeastern Australia, and the Moluccas. This beautiful bird also lives in Pascoe River south to Massey Creek, Eastern Cape York Peninsula, and inland to McIlwraith Range.
In the wild, the Solomon island Eclectus parrot diet is a wide range of fruits and vegetables. They love to eat Subtropical and tropical fruits. In fruits, they eat the banana, mango, watermelon, berries, pomegranate, kiwifruit, apples, pears, pawpaw, passionfruit, rockmelon, and oranges. If you have Eclectus parrot as pets, you can give them all the fruits mentioned above. But I suggest you give them more vegetables than fruits although fruits are Eclectus parrot favorite food. Fruits have more sugar; because of that, they become overweight. Below I will share the food list to check what you have to feed and what’s not.
Eclectus Parrot Food List
In fruits, Eclectus parrot diets are Apple, Apricot, Banana, Blackberry, Blackcurrant, Blueberry, Currant, Cherry, Coconut, Date, Dragonfruit, Fig, Gooseberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Guava, Huckleberry, Kiwifruit, Lychee, Mandarin, Mango, Melon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Watermelon, Rockmelon, Nectarine, Orange, Paw Paw, Peach, Pear,
Plum/prune (dried plum), Pineapple, Pomegranate, Purple Mangosteen, Raspberry, Rambutan, Redcurrant, Star fruit, and Strawberry.
Tangerine, Tomato, Watermelon-see melon, Pumpkin, Celery, Zucchini, Beans, Carrots, Red chilies, Broccoli, Sweet potato (raw or cooked), Sweet corn, Spinach, Peas, Cauliflower, Mushrooms. Asian vegetables, Snow peas, Asparagus, Borlotti beans, Black-eyed peas, Broad beans, Chickpeas, Common bean, Garbanzo, Green bean, Lentil, Lima bean, Mung bean, Navy beans, Peanut, Pinto beans, Runner bean – Raw, Span peas, Snow peas – Raw, Amaranth – raw or cooked, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels sprout, Celery, Ceylon spinach, Collards, Dandelion, Endive, Garden rocket, Kale, Pak Choy, Pea sprouts/leaves, Sorrel, Watercress, and Wheatgrass.
Never feed.
Please avoid these things for your pet Eclectus parrot safety Avocado, Rhubarb, Apple seeds, Seeds from stone fruit, Lettuce, Onions, Any raw meat, Garlic, Cheese, Chocolate, Coffee, Soft drinks, Milk or dairy products, Alcohol, Russian comfrey, avocado, uncooked legumes, walnuts, fatty human foods, and pasta.
Eclectus Parrot Care And Health Issues.
There are few Eclectus parrot diseases you must be careful about. They are susceptible to hypovitaminosis A, avian polyomavirus, psittacine beak, and feather disease. Please talk to your bird veterinarian before giving your bird any food. They will guide you on which foods you have to feed them and which one is not. They have one more problem: they start to pull out their feathers. If you find out that your bird is pulling out its feathers, then take your bird to a veterinarian for a complete medical checkup. Please provide them with excellent and healthy food and fresh water.
Breeding And Nesting.
Eclectus Parrot breeding season is July to January. They mate for life. The Eclectus Parrot nest is a giant hollow that is 50cm to 6m deep in the trunk tree. After making their nest, the Eclectus parrot female lays 2 to 3 eggs but rarely lays 4 eggs on the wood chip floor and decayed wood dust. Eclectus parrot eggs are glossy white. Only females incubate their eggs for 26 days, and males feed their females. Both male and female Eclectus parrot feed their babies. After hatching eggs, the Eclectus parrot babies leave their nest after 11 or 12 weeks.
Breeding season: July to January
Clutch size: 2 To 3 rarely 4
Eggs color: glossy white
Eclectus Parrot Colors And Markings.
Eclectus are one of the most beautiful and attractive parrots in Australia. They are dimorphic, which means we can quickly tell the difference between males and females. Eclectus parrot male is bright green, bright blue splash on the wings, horn-colored beak, bright red underwing, and their eye color is orange. On the other hand, the female’s color is a stunning red with a black beak, deep violet belly, and a pale yellow eye with a blue ring. Both males and females have mid-grey Feet and toes. Youngs has the same colors as parents.
Sounds And Calls.
Eclectus is not a noisy bird. Their contact call is a Screeching squawking which they produce during flight. During feeding, they create an infrequent call ‘chu-wee, chu-wee’. They also make many exciting sounds like bells and chuckling.
Can Eclectus Parrots Talk?
In simple words, yes, Eclectus parrot talk. Eclectus are good talkers. They are the Rivals of African Grey and Amazon parrots in talking abilities. They are so intelligent that some of them can learn the whole song. They enjoy repeating interesting sounds, words, and phrases which they learned from their human companions. Eclectus are capable of developing an extensive vocabulary.
Here are some fantastic and interesting Eclectus parrot facts. I hope you will enjoy it.
- They are dimorphic.
- Their age can be up to 30 years.
- Before the 20th century, males and females have considered two separate species because of so much difference in appearance.
- They are good talkers like African grey parrots and Amazon parrots.
- Other pairs of Eclectus also help parents during nestling.
Final Words.
So friends hope you will enjoy our article Eclectus Parrot Diet, Care, And Personality. Please give us your feedback in the comments.